Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Noteattack : cute little game for training musical notation

I tried this cute little free music game. It shows musical notation and you need to press corresponding note name either in your keyboard or midi controller. It can be connected to a MIDI keyboard trhough a USB-MIDI interface and notes can be pressed directly from the MIDI keyboard. Very simple and nice game for training musical notation:


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Installing cygwin

came across nice link for installing and getting started with cygwin : http://www.horstmann.com/ccc/help/cygwin/install.html

Monday, March 23, 2009

How to redirect cmd output to both screen and file

Hello there! After many frustrating google searches & trials found a way how to redirect command line output to both screen & a file. But you would need to install Cygwin for this since a unix command Tee is needed in our case. This way redirects both stdout & stderr to both screen & file

1. Install cygwin ( google cygwin it is easy to find)
2. Add path of cygwin correctly to system path vairable
ex. path = %PATH%;C:\cygwin\bin\
3. Execute your command or batch file the following way
C:\>echo hello 2>&1 | tee file.log
C:\>mybatchfile.bat 2>&1 | tee file.log

Monday, October 20, 2008

Whats the deal with blogging

Hello friends\web2.0 netizens\bloggers\strangers! whats the deal in blogging?....Not able to appreciate it too much...Anyway I decided to give it a try....just for the sake of trying it. Lets see if this is going to be the last blog I write before losing interest.Today being a Monday was unusually not busy and the day ended with evening finnish class and chinese food. Evenings are getting dark sooner with winter approaching. Writing this blog before going to sleep and wondering if I will wake up with sore-throat tommorow. Hmmm...nothing useful or entertaining for the human race from my first blog...